Previous Events Table 5.4.2-2 lists known drought events between 2012 and 2020 that have affected Tompkins County and its municipalities based on all sources researched. Drought is one of the major constraints on agricultural productivity worldwide and is likely to further increase. Agricultural production in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI) is important for the region’s economy, food security, and rural livelihoods. According to Grover et al. While previous field studies have evaluated plant developmental adaptations to water deficit, adaptive … That means 26% of the world’s land and 70% of the world agricultural area is covered by these crops, which include alfalfa. The purpose of a drought management plan is to reduce risk and therefore economic, social, and environmental drought impacts. Currently 1.2–1.5 billion hectares are under crops, with another 3.5 1. The Adaptation Strategies and Approaches are designed specifically for forest carbon management that draws direct connections between climate adaptation and mitigation. Area Authority, an apex-level organization set up for implementing long-term drought mitigation measures and processes that need to be followed up for implementing a mitigation programme at the State level. Mitigation – reducing climate change – involves reducing the flow of heat-trapping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, either by reducing sources of these gases (for example, the burning of fossil fuels for electricity, heat or transport) or enhancing the “sinks” that accumulate and store these gases (such as the oceans, forests and soil). Farmers can improve their drought resilience by making different crop choices, enrolling in crop insurance and other farm risk management programs, and investing in soil health. USDA conservation programs—intended primarily to improve onsite and offsite environmental quality—may also help producers adapt to drought risk. ... grain crops with drought tolerant potato and corn has reduced potential for agricultural losses from increased Drought mitigation, preparedness and response comprise the appropriate measures and actions aimed at reducing the vulnerability to drought and reducing the impacts of droughts. This measures help to improve agricultural productivity and protecting the ecosystem from extreme weather event. Improve rural disaster prevention and mitigation capacity. This impact of climate change on crops is of considerable importance with regard to maintaining crop productivity and food security in future. Plants have developed dynamic responses at the morphological, physiological and biochemical levels allowing them to escape and/or adapt to … Rainfall also can be harvested in either farm ponds or in village tanks and can be recycled. In light of the predicted negative impacts of climate change on food production, Footnote 1 genetically engineered climate-resilient crops are increasingly being proposed as a possible adaptation strategy. ... we find that higher concentrations of surface soil carbon help sustain yields and minimize crop insurance claims in drought years, with the effect of soil carbon most pronounced when droughts are most severe (Figure 2). adaptation greenhouse cropping grazing forestry A griculture is the major land use across the globe. Overview of databases Many online databases and portals provide access to a variety of documents on climate change adaptation and mitigation. Adaptation and mitigation are typically strategies to reduce risk. Since the Dust Bowl in the 1930s, drought has been an important focus of U.S. farm policy. This book focus on drought management and mitigation in agriculture and allied sectors. adaptation and mitigation for sustainable yield production and food security. The crop evolved and is currently grown in stably wet and intermittently dry agro-ecosystems, but patterns of adaptation to differences in water availability remain poorly understood. ... weather, drought, looding and other disasters and that progressively improve land and soil quality SDG 13.2 ... adaptation and mitigation, as well as their cross-cutting synergies, with economic development. Introduction. In terms of economic impact, the drought in 2008 caused losses of approximately 3% of the value of all food and cash crops that year (NEMA, 2008). The agricultural sector remains the main source of livelihoods for rural communities in Ethiopia, but faces the challenge of changing climate. Drought risk mitigation measures; Drought monitoring and early warning systems. Drought in Illinois from 2000–Present The U.S. Drought Monitor started in 2000. Drought preparedness and mitigation can be accomplished with the following practices: (1) soil and water conservation, and (2) herd management. Climate change mitigation and adaptation may be additional, impor- Multi-level; stakeholder involvement unclear. Drought: In 2011 alone, drought resulted in $12 billion in direct agricultural losses in the region (Kunkel et al., 2013). The purpose of the present review is therefore, to review the impacts of climate change on crop production of Ethiopia and its adaptation and mitigation strategies. In Zambia, a study by CIMMYT and the Center for Development Research has shown that adopting drought-tolerant maize can increase yields by 38 percent and reduce the risks of crop failure by 36 percent, even though three-quarters of the farmers in the study had experienced drought … The Drought Mitigation Group at Harper Adams University is researching and developing different methods for reducing drought damage to crop yield. Sometimes adaptation can be a means to optimise the potential benefits of change as well as, or instead of, a risk reduction strategy. experienced crop losses from drought events from 2014 to 2020. Studies suggest that climate change could result in global crop yield losses as large as 5% in 2030 and 30% in 2080, even with adaptation such as changed agricultural practices and crops. Adaptation is structural or functional modification in plants to survive and reproduce in a particular environment. Farmers may choose to grow crops that are more suitable to warmer temperatures than the crops they are growing now, or that are more resistant to periods of drought. Crop management Crop-specific innovations complement other practices that aim to improve crop production under climate change, e.g. 1. Mekonnen, K. and Thorne, P. 2021. Drought and heat are major abiotic stresses that reduce crop productivity and weaken global food security, especially given the current and growing impacts of climate change and increases in the occurrence and severity of both stress factors. For example, the drought years of 1961, 1985, and 1988 had the lowest average spring wheat yields for the Swift Current Creek Watershed in Saskatchewan (Figure 2) 8. Adaptation of Agriculture to Climate Change Mitigation Ch. Globally, it is estimated that a cereal (maize, rice and wheat) loss of 1820 million Mg has been caused by droughts during the past four decades (Lesk et al., 2016). For farmers in sub-Saharan Africa, especially smallholders, this involves producing improved crop varieties that are not only high-yielding but also tolerant to drought and heat, resistant to diseases and insect pests, and can contribute to minimizing the risk of farming under rainfed conditions. Failure to develop adequate drought mitigation strategies carries a grave human cost in the modern era, exacerbated by … adaptation and mitigation measures TENMIYA, Mauritania Improving food security and combating desertification with ... linearis), which is a drought-resistant indigenous crop that is uniquely adapted to the area’s low soil fertility and long summer droughts. Re-visiting national policies/strategies to cater for drought preparedness 2. Rice was domesticated around 10,000 years ago and has developed into a staple for half of humanity. The goal of the pillar on drought mitigation, preparedness and response is to determine appropriate mitigation and response actions aimed at risk reduction, the identification of appropriate triggers to phase in and phase out mitigation actions, particularly short-term actions, during drought … crop residues, as well as increased numbers of livestock. Dehydration avoidance is the capacity to avoid plant tissues and cells dehydration under drought stress. (2012) showed that adaptation measures (adjustment of crop rotations, tillage practices, and land allocation decisions) under different climate change These strategies may vary from moisture conservation to manipulation of plant population, and even mid-season corrections. Modifications of the root system resulting from natural domestication and breeding have led to differing root architectural spatial configurations (de Dorlodot et al., 2007). It is only at 1 irrigation level that Genetics of root system variation and drought stress adaptation in cereal crops. Crop diversifictn 5. Plants will counter these high temperatures and droughts by adaptation or mitigation strategies of their cellular biochemical and molecular mechanisms to complete their life cycle. Table 5.4.2-2. Archived CropWatch articles for managing crop production during drought conditions, including articles related to corn and sorghum, soybeans, sorghum, dry beans, forages, silage and wheat production. The chapters cover Basic concepts, assessment, monitoring, forecasting, early warning, vulnerability and adaptation to drought and mitigation and management strategies. Agriculturally, people can effectively mitigate much of the impact of drought through irrigation and crop rotation. Crops can fail in drought years and yields usually increase in wet years, unless moisture is excessive and/or agricultural land is flooded. Drought tolerance is the ability to which a plant maintains its biomass production during arid or drought conditions. Facing the Risks… Plains Assessment of Vulnerability and Preliminary Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies for Farmers, Ranchers, and Forest Land Owners, T. Anderson, Ed., United States Department of Agriculture, 61 pp. Drought & flood tolerant varieties 2. Drought resistance in crop plants is conditioned by two major pathways: Dehydration avoidance and dehydration tolerance. Small-scale farms of 10 acres or less are much more common in the U.S. Caribbean than in the continental U.S. The ill effects of drought, to a considerable extent, can be alleviated by adopting proper crop management strategies. Crop farmers both ... Review of drought coping and adaptation strategies in dryland cropping systems, irrigation, livestock and mixed systems. Two years later, the country suffered economic losses of US$470 m in food crops, cash crops and livestock as a result of the 2010/11 drought (OPM, 2012). The impacts of drought are diverse and are becoming increasingly complex, affecting the environment, societies and the economy of countries (Mare et al., 2018). Drought can occur almost anywhere. They have a direct relevance to food security. 5. Intercropping 4. Understanding the impacts of drought is essential for designing effective technological and policy interventions for successful mitigation and adaptation strategies against drought. We focus on adaptation to drought and high-temperature shock in sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] in Australia, but the concepts are generic. Mitigation The 2nd Law of Ecology – everything must go somewhere – relates directly Climate change could push more than 100 million people into extreme poverty by 2030 primarily due to agricultural shocks and increased incidence of disease. Here we present the case for next generation design of G×M×E for crop adaptation in future climates. Drought can provide a focal point for planning for adaptation to climate change in many inland areas, and climate change may well be a factor in some instances of drought. Agriculture and climate change are internally correlated with each other in various aspects, as climate change is the main cause of biotic and abiotic stresses, which have adverse effects on the agriculture of a region. Application of Transgenic and Genome Editing Tools and Technologies Plant biotechnology can contribute positively towards climate change adaptation and mitigation through reduction of green houses gas emissions, carbon sequestration, less fuel use and energy efficient farming and reduced artificial use. The rain fed crop production, which is mostly practiced in the country, is highly vulnerable to climate change. Organic farming of crops helps in climate change adaptation through preventing and reversing soil erosion, restoring degraded land, improved drought and flooding resilience, increased water use efficiency (WUE), water conservation practices and agro … Crop 1. Planting Strategies for Adaptation and Mitigation . Presented at a Virtual meeting to USAID Team, … In general, plants have a wide range of adaptive mechanisms to cope with drought conditions, with different species and cultivars displaying different responses. Climate change has the potential to adversely impact agricultural productivity at local and regional scales through alterations in rainfall patterns, more frequent occurrences of climate extremes (including high temperatures or drought), altered patterns of pest pressure, and changes in seasonal and diurnal temperature patterns (NCA4, … soil management, agroforestry, and water management. Under drought conditions, crops close their stomata to limit evaporative water loss, thus reducing carbon uptake by photosynthesis and decreasing yields. This post considers how mitigation through the use of crop insurance can enable small-holder farmers to utilise their adaptive capacity. Drought Resilience, Adaptation and Management Policy (DRAMP) Framework 2 Figure 2. National Drought Mitigation And Adaptation Plan (NERMAP) 2016-2017 2 | P a g e N D M A 2 0 1 5 1.0 INTRODUTION 1.1 Background Swaziland is vulnerable to several hazards and disasters including droughts, floods, food While 2012 and 2013 rains brought welcome relief in many areas, drought persisted into 2015 in places such as southwestern Oklahoma, when drought was ended with record breaking rainfall. Water conservation plans aims to limit water consumption; to reduce loss and waste of water; to improve water use efficiency, to document the level of recycling and reuse of water, to extend the life of current water supplies by reducing water demand. CONSIDERATIONS FOR ADAPTATION AND MITIGATION IN AGRICULTURE [examples of planned adaptation options, underlying policy frameworks, constraints and opportunities in the water and agriculture sector (IPCC, 2007b). PARC and other organizations like PCRWR have developed and demonstrated drought/desertification control technologies in the Cholistan, Ummrkot, … Drought Mitigation Strategies: Lessening Droughts’ Impacts. Isolated reports of crop … These include the climate change portal of The section describes a number of drought mitigation measures organized into two categories -— (i) artificial recharge of ground ... understand to be able to design drought preparedness and mitigation strategies, But irrigation reduces drought vulnerability in many areas by allowing farmers to apply water to the crops, augmenting precipitation. Some irrigators rely almost exclusively on large aquifers as a source of irrigation water, such as the Ogallala Aquifer in the High Plains and the Mississippi Embayment in the Southern Mississippi River region. Programme to promote sorghum production in drier areas of the country. 340 508 livestock are reported to be still vulnerable to drought. Various mitigation and adaptation approaches have been proposed to overcome these negative impacts (W Wang et al. Drought is a natural hazard characterized by lower than expected or lower than normal rainfall having slow but widespread impact. The world has been more drought-prone during the past 25 years and the vulnerability of tropical countries to drought is likely to increase (Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change, 2007). 4.1 Soil and Water Conservation Conservation practices minimize the disruption of the soil's structure, composition and natural biodiversity, thereby reducing erosion and soil degradation, surface runoff, and water pollution. Crop-specific innovations include breeding of more resilient crop varieties, diversification and intensification. Africa RISING Project in the Ethiopian Highlands: Contribution of improved crop-livestock-land management interventions on climate adaptation and/or mitigation. Protection, mitigation and relief. The drought affected the production of livestock and field crops such as wheat, corn, and soybean production in the Great Plains and Midwest and accounted for $14.5 billion in loss payments by the federal crop insurance program. This study investigated how smallholder farmers perceive climate change, what adaptation strategies they practice, and factors that influence their adaptation decisions. 6. Protection, mitigation and relief. Drought is less rainfall than is normal in an area over a period of several months or years. However, many projects are diverse and multisectoral and do not necessarily belong to a single broad theme. Africa RISING Project in the Ethiopian Highlands: Contribution of improved crop-livestock-land management interventions on climate adaptation and/or mitigation. Plants will counter these high temperatures and droughts by adaptation or mitigation strategies of their cellular biochemical and molecular mechanisms to complete their life cycle. In addition to the traditional short-term coping mechanisms, the long-term adaptation strategies used include diversification of livelihood sources; livestock mobility to track forage and water resources; diversification of herd composition to benefit from the varied drought and disease tolerance, as well as fecundity of diverse livestock species; and sending children to school for formal education … DROUGHT MITIGATION AND ADAPTATIONS IN AGRICULTURE. 2. They have a direct relevance to food security. Agriculturally, people can effectively mitigate much of the impact of drought through irrigation and crop rotation. Drought mitigation, preparedness and response comprise the appropriate measures and actions aimed at reducing the vulnerability to drought and reducing the impacts of droughts. Mekonnen, K. and Thorne, P. 2021. Adaptation of crop varieties and species. 2019) and as for drought, Si application was shown to be involved in the alleviation of salt stress, with several studies reporting the significant regulatory role of Si in numerous plant physiological processes under these stress . (2010), certain microbial The Drought Mitigation Group at Harper Adams University is researching and developing different methods for reducing drought damage to crop yield. Adjust planting structure, reduce water-consuming crops such as rice and wheat, and expand planting of drought-tolerant and water-saving crops. – Planting drought resistant crops.-Cloud Seeding is used to induce precipitation to cause snow or rain to fall. Adaptation to and mitigation of climate change in the agriculture and forestry sector Collection of best practices 9 2. Relative to the continental U.S., where just 11% of farms are under 10 acres, 39% and 68% of farms in P… tolerant crops. The goal of mitigation is to avoid significanthuman interference with the climate system, an… Area Authority, an apex-level organization set up for implementing long-term drought mitigation measures and processes that need to be followed up for implementing a mitigation programme at the State level. Many different drought tolerance and avoidance strategies come together to give a drought-resistant plant. The underlying principle of most of the examples is drought mitigation or integrated resource management. A meteorological drought, for example, occurs when rains do not transpire, whereas a hydrological drought occurs when a lack of rainfall continues long enough to empty rivers and lower water tables. Understanding Soil Carbon Science To Identify Strategies For Climate Mitigation And Adaptation. quency of drought in agricultural areas between 2000 and 2016, (2) identify concentrated areas of applied drought management practices, (3) compare the coincidence of drought events and con-centration of conservation practices for drought adaptation, and (4) discuss past drought events and drought preparedness with 3. Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) could play a significant role in alleviation of drough …. 7.1 Crop Adaptations The ability of crop to grow satisfactorily under water stress is called drought adaptation. Drought / excessive moisture Drought stress limits crop growth and productivity, especially in arid and semi-arid regions. Abstract. 3.2.11 Community Participation in Drought Mitigation 37 3.2.12 Linking Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction 39 3.2.13 Public Distribution System(PDS) 41 3.2.14 Crop management practices 41 3.2.15 Documentation of best practices 41 3.2.16 Awareness and Capacity Building 41 3.2.17 Monitoring of Drought Mitigation 42 A drought can be defined in several ways. Drought is a major limitation on crop production and food security in many countries. Presented at a Virtual meeting to USAID Team, … Several adaptations and mitigation strategies are required to cope with drought stress. Farms in the region are mostly small-scale and cultivate a wide variety of crops including plantains, vegetables, coffee, hay, and ornamental plants. Climate Change Impacts and Agricultural Adaptation. It is a challenge that requires effective water management planning and conservation to ensure the safety and well-being of … ... drought that ended with record-breaking downpours and flooding. Drought mitigation measures through climate adaptation for securing agricultural livelihoods in Uttar Pradesh | India Water Portal Mitigation, Adaptation and Resilience: The Three Pillars of the Response to Global Warming. Since 2000, the longest duration of drought (D1–D4) in Illinois lasted 54 weeks beginning on May 24, 2005, and ending on May 30, 2006. Role of Biotechnology for Climate Change Mitigation Reduction GHGS emission Agricultural practices such as use of synthetic fertilizer, cultivation rice crops, over grazing and deforestation are contributes 25% of Green houses gasses (carbon dioxide, methane PARC has successfully tested and introduced a number of varieties of different crops/grasses/plants, which are of short duration, consume less water and are resistant to water/heat stress. implementation of adaptation assessment frameworks that are relevant, robust, and easily operated by all stakeholders, practi-tioners, policymakers, and scientists. This work will have global benefits for climate change adaptation and mitigation and will have an immediate impact on the lives of smallholder farmers,” said Benjamin. CONSIDERATIONS FOR ADAPTATION AND MITIGATION IN AGRICULTURE [examples of planned adaptation options, underlying policy frameworks, constraints and opportunities in the water and agriculture sector (IPCC, 2007b). Adaptation of crop species. Short-term adaptation through climate risk management: Some crop interventions can substantially reduce the risk of yield reduction or crop failure. ... assessment, and risk mitigation and response are available. Both primary and secondary data were used for the study, and a multinomial … The search is on for ways to Crop losses prior to 2014 were unavailable. The role of Climate-Smart Agriculture in climate adaptation and mitigation in the Northeast As farmers confront the challenges of climate change, you may be hearing the term “Climate-Smart Agriculture” brought up more often. The major adaptation technologies and innovators identified include irrigation (Fadama), Afforestation, use of drought tolerant crop varieties and organic practices in form of manuring, mulching and fallowing as well as planting- date adjustment and timely harvesting of crops. – Invest in Crop Insurance. 3.2.11 Community Participation in Drought Mitigation 37 3.2.12 Linking Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction 39 3.2.13 Public Distribution System(PDS) 41 3.2.14 Crop management practices 41 3.2.15 Documentation of best practices 41 3.2.16 Awareness and Capacity Building 41 3.2.17 Monitoring of Drought Mitigation 42 – Stone Walls and Trenches made to contain water flow in order to make the soil moist and for the prevention of erosion of the soil. -Crop production • Breeding for drought tolerance species & adaptation to short season • Cultural practices and techniques for conservation agriculture: Proper fertilization No-till/reduced tillage systems Crop rotation/cropping systems Seeding rate/density Weeding/adapted pest management Mulching/adapted soil preparation Strip farming

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